Build Fun UI With CoordinatorLayout

TC Wang
PicCollage Company Blog
7 min readMar 22, 2017


This is a blog post about exploring the idea behind the CoordinatorLayout and why it is created. So you won’t see the basic usage of the CoordinatorLayout which it is already well documented somewhere else.

I’ll try to guide you go through the following topics:

  1. How to build a ViewGroup to support drop-down-drawer like menu View?
  2. Explanation of how the TouchEvent works in Android system.
  3. The essence of the CoordinatorLayout.
  4. What kind of UX problems it might happen to you with a custom ViewGroup in this case?
  5. How could we solve the problems by the power of a CoordinatorLayout.
  6. We can build more fun UI with a CoordinatorLayout. e.g. ElasticDragLayout and ElasticDragDismissLayout.

All the code references are based on Android Support Library 25.2.0.

For some of you may not know the CoordinatorLayout.

By specifying Behaviors for child views of a CoordinatorLayout you can provide many different interactions within a single parent and those views can also interact with one another.

Why CoordinatorLayout?

The story started by “How to build a drawer like UI?”. For example:

This is quite complicated because the custom ViewGroup knows how to consume the additional momentum triggering by an over-dragging gesture (additional dx or dy). In order to build a drawer like ViewGroup, you need to know …

How is the touch event handled in the Android?

The chain calls starts by the Activity calls the root View’s dispatchTouchEvent function. The event is passed from top all the way down to the bottom, to the most inner child view.

In the above figure, all the nested parent views are not interested in intercepting the touch event (returns false in the onInterceptTouchEvent call). And the child view returns true in the onTouchEvent call to indicate the system that the event is handled here.

The Android system allows one TouchEvent handled by one View at a time. But it allows multiple TouchEvents handled by several Views at a time.

And How To Show The Hidden Menu View?

The CustomViewGroup intercepts the touch event which is currently handling by the ListView when it knows the ListView cannot consume the additional dragging momentum anymore. The CustomViewGroup will consume the additional dragging momentum by moving the MenuView and the ListView a little bit downward (changing the translationY).

Here is the snippet of ViewGroup#dispatchTouchEvent.

Snippet of ViewGroup#dispatchTouchEvent

ViewGroup#dispatchTouchEvent is a bit complicated and responsible for dispatching child view’s onTouchEvent. If all the children view don’t want to handle the touch event, it calls its onTouchEvent.

Most important and annoying thing before the CustomViewGroup intercepts the touch event from being handled by the ListView is, remember to cancel the previous touch event.

When the CustomViewGroup wants to let the ListView to handle the touch event again, it need to cancel the previous event too.

So the CustomViewGroup essentially maintains the three states (menu-is-hidden, settling, menu-is-present) and manages whom is responsible for the TouchEvent. It’s annoying and difficult to manage.

But The “Dragging Slop” Destroy the UX

Do you see the touch position is actually unanchored from the original place?

So you may tell from the above video that the initial touch position is actually shifted a bit upward (It is at the chest of the robot initially and ends up at the nose of the robot). That’s because we repeat the steps of scrolling down to show the drop-down menu and scrolling up to hide the drop-down menu. That makes the CustomViewGroup hand over the TouchEvent to the ListView and then get it back brutally. Every time the ListView takes over the touch event from its parent, it needs to re-determine the dragging gesture by seeing the dy is over a dragging slop.

With CoordinatorLayout

I think we could avoid the “dragging slop” side-effect by simply letting the ListView be the only one handling the TouchEvent. More important, the ListView is also responsible for delivering the additional dx or dy to its sibling View so its the sibling View interacts with the additional momentum. e.g. Showing the MenuView.

The CoordinatorLayout could help with it!

By specifying Behaviors for child views of a CoordinatorLayout you can provide many different interactions within a single parent and those views can also interact with one another.

As the figure, the CoordinatorLayout opens a backdoor for us to coordinate its child View with the ways of consuming the additional dx or dy.

Smoke & Mirrors

CoordinatorLayout implements NestedScrollingParent and NestedScrollingChild.

It is named CoordinatorLayout because the CoordinatorLayout plays a role of coordinating its children Views (with CoordinatorLayout.Behavior in the LayoutParams) the ways of consuming the additional dx or dy produced by the NestedScrollingChild. The CoordinatorLayout decides the order of the consuming.

Still, How to build the drawer like drop-down menu?

We could let the ListView implementing NestedScrollingChild interface be the one who handles the TouchEvent. When the ListView found itself cannot consume the dragging momentum anymore, it forwards the additional momentum to its parent, the NestedScrollingParent. The NestedScrollingParent either changes the position of MenuView manually or let MenuView moves itself. If there is still remaining additional dx or dy, the NestedScrollingParent would forward the momentum to other child Views with Behavior until the momentum is totally consumed.

HorizontalGridView, NestedScrollView, RecyclerView, SwipeRefreshLayout, VerticalGridView all implements NestedScrollingChild.


The NestedScrollingChild is responsible for delivering the additional dx and dy by calling dispatchNestedScroll. It is like a producer of the momentum. You could found what Views implements the interface in the official document.

Classes implementing this interface should create a final instance of a NestedScrollingChildHelper as a field and delegate any View methods to the NestedScrollingChildHelper methods of the same signature.

Here is a snippet of NestedScrollingChild.


The NestedScrollingParent has different responsibility. It is responsible for consuming the momentum produced by the NestedScrollingChild. So it’s like a consumer. Consuming doesn’t mean all the additional momentum is taken by the NestedScrollingParent. It could redirect the momentum to other children Views. If there are remain, it could pass to its parent as well. But in that case, the CustomViewGroup is a NestedScrollingParent as well as a NestedScrollingChild.

Classes implementing this interface should create a final instance of a NestedScrollingParentHelper as a field and delegate any View or ViewGroup methods to the NestedScrollingParentHelper methods of the same signature.

In the following snippet, you will see the NestedScrollingParent dispatches the dx or dy to the children Views with CoordinatorLayout.Behavior.

With the help of Behavior, the NestedScrollingParent knows what children Views should be notified.


In a nutshell, Behavior is a special resident of the LayoutParam. Views within a CoordinatorLayout can specify a Behavior that defines how that view interacts with other views.

There are three ways of assigning a Behavior to the View, either works:

1. Use the app:layout_behavior attribute to point to your Behavior subclass.

2. Use @CoordinatorLayout.DefaultBehavior annotation to point to your Behavior subclass.

3. Programmatically.

Build A Custom ElasticDragLayout

After a long journey, you could start to build a fun UI with the CoordinatorLayout. I was inspired by Plaid and came up with this idea.

Can I build a RecyclerView that can be over dragged like iOS?

There are several ways to approach it. For example, Customize a LayoutManager to place items in very special way when over dragging. But I’m providing you a more simple way with power of CoordinatorLayout. It’s very easy to apply the over-dragging effect everywhere and the only change is to modify the layout XML file.

Enclose your RecyclerView or NestedScrollView with the ElasticDragLayout like following snippet.

The only constraint is to make sure the enclosed ListView supports nested-scrolling. HorizontalGridView, NestedScrollView, RecyclerView, SwipeRefreshLayout, VerticalGridView all supports.

Here is the demo video,

How about having a ElasticDragDismissLayout?

The ElasticDragDismissLayout is a ViewGroup letting you to dismiss the Activity by over dragging vertically. In the code, I didn’t use framework transition because: (1) I’m not quite familiar with it. (2) It seems not support backward compatibility very well.

  • ElasticDragLayoutcode
  • ElasticDragDismissLayoutcode

You could find the complete demo project in my Github repo. Thanks you all read the article, feel free to have discussion with me. :)



I’m an engineer who loves solving problems and science. You could find me on my LinkedIn page,