Life at PicCollage: A Look at Our Dev Sessions and Workshops

PicCollage Company Blog
2 min readDec 15, 2023


Written by: Laurence James, Operations Specialist

At PicCollage Company, we think that an ‘Always-Be-Learning’ mindset is a key ingredient in building great products. Our new, monthly Dev Sharing Sessions are just one example of how our team does knowledge exchange 👩🎓

Developers from different teams come together to teach and learn from one another. We share relevant insights that can quickly be applied into our work. For example, Android Dev Patrik recently showcased how to use pre-configured GPTs, using multiple, relevant data sources to better respond to your needs and save time. Data Scientist, Maso also talked about Hopter — a platform we built internally that simplifies development, deployment, and monitoring for machine learning 🤖 models in a scalable, production ready environment.

As well as these short, sharp sharing sessions, we also hold regular workshops which go much deeper into topics that are highly relevant to our members. Most recently, Weihang, our Lead Backend Developer, did a deep dive 🤿 on Dockerfiles and docker-compose, helping our devs become more efficient in containerization and deployment!

Our learning activities do more than just build domain expertise, they also bring our team closer together. With better relationships comes increased innovation, helping us Win As a Team!

